Protecting and progressing authentic Montessori education.
Our Vision
We envision a well educated future accessible to all Nevadan students fostered by an active and invested network of individuals, educators, families, and schools who have a trusting relationship with State legislators and regulatory agencies, tools to connect the members of our community, and the ability to assess the quality and practice of Montessori institutions in the state of Nevada.
Our History
Our journey toward advocacy for high fidelity Montessori education statewide.
What is Montessori education?
Montessori is a well-known, developmentally based pedagogy and method that has been widely accepted for over 100 years with documented research evidencing successful outcomes.
Montessori Practice Vs. Nevada Standards
Montessori schools have long had difficulty operating under state standards and regulations which are built around the traditional school model. Montessori Nevada seeks to change the status quo through advocacy, community, and support.
Montessori Nevada promotes a wide range of events that pertain to advocacy, developments in state regulations, education for teachers and parents, and community meetings.

“The education of children does not aim at preparing them for school, but for life.”
— Maria Montessori
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